How our partners benefit from HTA

Our Businesses enter our alliances with resources the other alliance members are looking for. These resources include our complementary products, distribution channels, development capabilities, funding and intellectual property. Other benefits include knowledge and expertise transfer, economic specialization and shared expenses.

Knowledge and Resource Sharing

Pooling our resources increases the attractiveness of all our partners. A knowledge share can include anything from our marketing skills to management to branding to our expansive technical know-how.

The combination of these shared resources increases the value of each partner in a way that is not possible when each business acts alone. Knowledge and resource sharing often increases our client speed to market, reduces operational complexity and increases cost efficiency, and these benefits are directly shared with our clients.

Opportunities for Growth

Our businesses can only sustain and grow organically until they reach a certain ceiling, which is determined by operational and financial capacity.

This organic growth might not be sufficient to satisfy the strategic growth requirements of management or stakeholders, meaning that a business cannot grow and extend itself enough without the expertise and support of an external partner. We are Partners in the true 21st Century sense – this is a direct benefit to our global client market.

Access To Target Markets

Entering a new market for both the HTA and our clients almost certainly involves overcoming localized risk and operational hurdles. Often, forming an alliance with an “on the ground” or local partner is the only way to enter a specific market.

This is especially true when entering developing countries or countries with limited experience dealing with foreign businesses. In the US we are client facing with US resources but can access global development talent not limited by diminished capabilities in the US or any one country.

Economies of Scale

When companies pool their resources and allow each other to increase development and distribution capabilities, economies of scale can be achieved.

Forming strategic alliances within the HA, with the correct partner and developing effective exceptional strategies also allows smaller businesses to compete against larger competitors. This is all passed on directly as a benefit to our clients.

Market / Geo Political Risk

Businesses looking to enter new markets minimize their exposure to market and political risk by entering strategic alliances with businesses in their target markets. This is because the local business will have experience in and understanding of local laws, customs and the cultural climate in the target market. This type of partnership generally works best when the partners’ portfolios complement, but do not compete, with each other.

Other advantages of entering the HTA strategic alliances include accessing new technologies, R&D resources and IP rights, diversifying products and services, improving material flow and product life-cycle times, making operations more agile and reducing overhead and administrative costs.

Hybrid Technology Alliance Overview

Checkout our brochure for more details

What we bring to the table

Project management

Ability to handle projects from emerging technologies and their interaction.

Global Standards

Use of best practices from global standards.

Fund Raising

Help raise funds for projects and see it through completion.


Integrate IoT functionalities with Block chain framework.

Domain experts

Access to domain experts to develop paradigm changing solutions.

Technology Labs

Offer hybrid technology labs to accelerate development and do proof of concept.

IP Protection

Help protect intellectual property (IP) through our custom designed procedures.

Ease of Use

Agile approach creating multi-week sprints to cover benefits, duration and efforts.